Bang Button Box - Bang Evolution - v1.0

The Bang Evolution has a special button (BANGED) for entering a new layer of inputs similar to SHIFT, CTRL, or ALT on keyboard. This allows for more buttons to be used on the same box.

This box supports games like Assetto Corsa Competizione on consoles directly & in Keyboard Remap for F1 on consoles and any game on PC with Joystick support.

It is based on the Banged Evolution R1 PCB attached to an Arduino Micro.

Source code is available on GitHub.

The size of the box is 200mm x 120mm x 75mm. It has 17 push buttons and 3 rotary encoders and 3 rotary encoder push buttons and 7 holes and one hole for USB cable and one RGB LED and 16 LEDs. Giving a total of 50 inputs. Using Arduino Micro, Banged Evolution.

  • engineengine_1sCHANGE_PROFILE853540160 ignitionignitionBANG_MODE1051520180 pit_limitertime_tableSAVE_SETTINGS1051560140 flashadd_highlight408025175 lightcycle_hud1510520180 rainlightcycle_map2010040160 wipernames408050150 pitstoprace_logic259516040 positionsdash_up1510518020 standingsdash_dn358518020 indicator_rightelectronics606018020 indicator_leftselect606015050 upcam_bonnet754516535 downcycle_cam1051516535 leftcam_cockpit903015050 rightcam_chase903018020 ecuffBRIGHTNESS9525100100 bbabs259575125 tctcc259512575 BANGBANGEDSYSTEM5565100100
main positions
main (27)
buttonlocation frompins
engine24.822853540160D0, D12D13
ignition16121051520180D0, D14D3
pit_limiter16121051560140D0, D15D3
flash21.819408025175D0, D16D5
light16121510520180D0, D17D5
rainlight16122010040160D1, D12D3
wiper1612408050150D1, D14D5
pitstop1612259516040D1, D15D5
positions16121510518020D1, D16D3
standings1612358518020D1, D17D3
indicator_right1612606018020D2, D12D5
indicator_left1612606015050D2, D14D5
nav_up1612754516535D2, D15D3
nav_down16121051516535D2, D16D3
nav_left1612903015050D2, D17D3
nav_right1612903018020D4, D12D3
rotate_ecu2479525100100A0, A1, D6 
rotate_bb167259575125A2, A3, D7 
rotate_tc167259512575A4, A5, D8 
BANG21.8195565100100D4, D14D9, D10, D11
top positions
top (1)
buttonlocation frompins